Life Event Submissions Instructional Video

Log into the employee portal, then review the life event instructions on the main page:

  1. Choose a life event reason from the drop-down menu
  2. Add the date of your life event date to the Date Occurred field.  For example:
    • For the birth of a child, with a 05/25/2021 date of birth, add 05/25/2021 to the Date Occurred field.
    • For a loss of other coverage on 7/31/2021, add 8/01/2021 to the Date Occurred field (8/01/2021 is the first date without coverage).
  3. Click on the “Report Life Event” button

Click on “Launch Benefit Enrollment.”

If adding a dependent due the life event:

  1. Click on “Add Dependents”
  2. Click on the “Add Dependents” button, and then record your dependent’s information in the pop-up window.

Go through the benefits listed on the left side of the screen and make your desired enrollment changes.

Upon reaching the Benefits Summary Page:

  1. Click on the up-arrow symbol and follow the prompts to search for and select corresponding documentation for the life event.
  2. Click on the “Upload” button to attach the document.  Please be sure to wait for confirmation that the document was uploaded successfully, as it make take a few minutes for a large-sized file to load.
  3. Your document will be uploaded when you can both see the document name and the button changes from “Upload” to “Delete.” At that point, you can proceed to click on the “Submit” button.

Note that if you click “Submit” before the “Upload” button changes to a “Delete” button, the document will not be saved with your request, your request will be denied, and you’ll be asked to resubmit your request.