To access the RMI Center, click on the link in the open enrollment email notice, or go to:
Enter your username and password. If needed, click on Forgot Username? or Forgot Password? to retrieve and/or reset your username or password.

To review current enrollments before making changes, click on View Benefits Summary to see the complete list of current enrollments OR click on Benefits and Summary on the menu on the left side of the webpage.

To make changes to your enrollments, go to the menu on the left side of the webpage and click on Benefits, then Benefit Enrollment.

The Welcome to Open Enrollment page will display upon entering the benefits portal. Please review the message, then click on the Next button to get started.

- Only the plans that are currently available for open enrollment will appear.
- Review and add dependents as needed on the Add Dependents step. Click the slider button to add them to the plan.
- Links to the plan summaries, highlights, and contributions, can be seen by clicking on View.
- Click on Select to choose the plan, then click Next to save changes and move to the next benefit.

- If you are enrolled on an HSA health plan, and you wish to start, stop, increase, or decrease your HSA deferral for an effective date prior to January 1st, you must make the update in the system and then send an email to outlining the change and the effective date (e.g., “I wish to increase my HSA contribution to $50.00 per pay period beginning with my next regular paycheck.”).
- Changes made only in the RMI Center without emailing the Finance team will take effect on January 1.

- If making any changes to your benefit elections, each benefit step must be completed.
- On the Benefits Summary page, you must click on Submit to advance to the final confirmation.

To finalize your enrollment changes, you must check the acknowledgment box, type your full name as it appears in the RMI Center, then click on Complete Enrollment for your open enrollment changes to be applied.