Select the employee under “My Employees” on the home screen:

Select the Pay tab:

Select Pay Rate Change:

Enter the new pay rate:

Select whether the amount entered in the New Pay Rate field is per week, every two weeks (bi-weekly), twice per month (semi-monthly), per month, per year, or per hour. This “Per” field does not change whether the employee is paid hourly/salary and does not change the employee’s pay frequency. The “Per” field is meant to accommodate different employer preferences on how pay rate changes are entered in the system. Example: some employers prefer to enter the annual salary amount while others prefer to enter the per pay period amount. This “Per” field provides that flexibility. If you enter $20 per hour for a salaried employee, the system will calculate what the new annual salary amount will be for you.

Once you tab from the new pay rate field to the new standard hours field, the “Per” dropdown menu tied to the new standard hours will automatically display the pay cycle that the employee is currently assigned to (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly). Enter the hours this employee is expected to work per pay period in the New Standard Hours field.

Only check the “Auto Pay Time Card” box if you’d like hours worked to automatically pull into each payroll to be paid for the employee. This box is typically checked for salaried employees and unchecked for hourly employees.

If the “Auto Pay Time Card” box was checked, you’ll enter the new number of hours to automatically pay the employee on each payroll in the New Auto Time Card Hours field:

Enter the effective date of the pay change or select it from the calendar:

Select the reason for the pay change:

Select Save:

To see an employee’s pay change history, select the action bar in the top right corner:

Select Pay History:

All past pay changes will appear: